Call for papers

Submit your proposal
This is a two-step process:

Paper submissions, reviewing and notification to authors will be handled using the conference page at Indico (

Important dates – Full and short papers – Proceedings to be published in Springer LNCS proceedings

Important dates – Workshops, Posters, Demo, Lightning talk – Proceedings to be published on Zenodo

Accepted formats

Research track, Experience track accept the following submissions:

World track, Business sustainability and Policy track, Francophonie track accept the following submissions:

Workshop track accept the following submissions:

Author guidelines
Submissions must be in PDF format, anonymized for double-blind review (see below), follow the Springer LNCS proceedings template (Word or Latex), written in English (or French for Francophonie Track only), contain original work, and not be under review for any other venue while under review for this conference.

The guidelines for authors are available here:

Word template and Latex template also available on this page.

Selected Full and Short papers will be published by Springer LNCS
Selected Posters, Demo, Lightning talk will be published on Zenodo

To be included in the conference programme and proceedings, at least one author must have registered and must attend the conference in-person.

Submit your abstract

  • Select your track
  • Select your format based on accepted formats in each track